My very 1st lurrveee to crocs...
comfortable & so good! + colorful with two-tone combinations of my fav colors! I dah guna dis
SASSARI olmost 1 and 1/2yrs... a sleek retro inspired wedge designed with the classic comfort of croslite™ material.
Biasanya i gunakan ke office...sbbnya sng nak drive..and kalo time jem balik keje x rasa sengal kaki pun while driving..sbb dolu2 kalo pkai sandals biasa manjang i balik rumah kene urut kaki sbb lenguh..huhuhu so i'm happy with this sassari...tp kdg2 i sebatt je pkai dis sassari kemana saja...kira lenjan jgk le nih! hehehe
So since sassari nih dah lama memberikan khidmat i have 2 change to
CYPRUS plak...kasi chance kat sassari utk brehat plak...ekekek cyprus mmg le a bit high (3 inch)..tp saja nak cuba lain patern plak..but i still feel comfortable with it...i've got TWO frm this design..
black &

w/pun cyprus nih agak tinggi kan tp its good for circulation nubs stimulate blood flow...and very fashionista to me..hehehe
And i jgk sgt suke pd
ALICE sbbnya very comfort and smart, stylish shoe, seakan-akan mary jane-style design and more fiber located at the back of heel prevents slippage for a secure comfortable fit. Sgt2 sesuai for weekend outing with my girls sbb senang nak berlari-larian di plyground or walking kan..hehehe

what eva pun i'm in lurveeee with crocs - xkira apa design pun...sbb bila pkai xkan menyakitkan kaki...and the most important thing is
comfortable.. kalo bole ade rezeki nak collect all the design...ekekek insyallah one fine day! aminnnn..
so guys ..come join me to be a
BIG fans of CROCS!! ;p
ps : ini adalah sbg jawapan kepada my fren why i choose crocs..;p