Since today last day of school holiday kan... So bwk the kiddos jln2 le...brekkie then tgk wayang then lunch ok for brekkie n the movie session...
So lets give the choice to the kiddos nak mkn apa plak...jdnya bis sis request lunch @Tg*F...

Lil sis enjoyed her fish fingers with fries...

And big sis enjoyed & heart so much her grilled cheese bread with fries...
Kitorg pun sama kesedapan smpai Lupa plak nak snappo pict menu.. Sbbnya mmg kesedapan le ngn bau kan.. Nak plak baru sudah layan movie yg ketawa naik sakit perut.. Sure le lapooo so mmg x toleh kiri kanan.. Baca bismillah then layannnnn..
Tup2 the incident berdarah pun berlaku..... Aduh, sian DH a lil cut on his lidah...ade piece of glass yg ntah dr mana dtgnya...trus potong stimmmmm!
He ordered chicken grilled ke apa yg ade mash potato as side dish....& i think is frm there.. Nak kata beso x le beso n x jgk kecit coz kalo tertelan sure hospitalize.. Nauzubillahhhh ;(

Sempat amek this tissue pict je lps dah cool..erkkk
Mmg tgh 'panic' tuh darah x bentilah kuar....maka X smpat nak snap the "things" si waiter trus hangkut msuk dlm siap call the BM...apa lg..mmg muke toksah ckp le..cuak serba serbi le...+ Gabra & offer siap bgai ke clinic and so on...pastu dgn the KM pun kuar jgk sexplain laa blaa blaaa blaaa...siap ala2 investigate gitu mcmana we found it! Ekkkek mmg x tentu hala laaa sume cam panic...lg best bila tgk i tweet kan..sume duk sok sek sok sek.. Hahhaha
Tp DH cool jerk lah..(mmg x pandai blakon langsung! Cett) but lucky lah x kene the kids kan..sbbnya slalu kids akan mengecak (biasa dgr x ayat nih? Ala2 amek sket lahh) mash potato tuh...fuhhhhh! So mmg lamalah stay cool while DH of & on ke rest room to clear the blood kan...
So mmg mcm2 le the BM n KM offered! Siap lah kata they take it as serious sbb 1st time laa blaa blaa blaaa Sampaikan naikkk rimassss lakkk..

To cut it short sbb dah ptg + kiddos dah rimassss sbb ramai le plak yg dtg (staff) entertain like main2 gurau2 sume laaa..
So bill in the house kira...sattled! Then take away menu lg like pict above..+ another 3 entree free + appetizer x3... Bla bla blaaaa...
Huhhhh puaslahhh....Bak kata org utk "tutop mulut".. But b4 we left smpat lah warn the KM & BM to make sure & do tara check on everything! Hopefully this would not happend again to others esp kids!
Lil update: nih le rupa sahsiah isi tapauan yg sama cam DH ordered td..

Ps: Korang rasa dtg dr mana kaca itu??
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