Sunday, April 6, 2014

Kegilaan baru..goproherotreeplus or gph3+ ngeh ngeh ngeh

Kecik molek jer..hasil memang puas hati...yang best senang nak carry xyah bawak camera besar gabak lagi...

Honestly xder lah plak rege mahal cam dslr yg dulu2 kita hangkut...basic jer dah mang bleh cover up pkai harian belasah...cume kalo nak kadi upgrade pkai utk outdoor xtvt memang kene beli accessori lain laa...

Banyak jer jual kat kedai skang nih...+ dah ade jugak yg jual clon kan..cume kene pandai pilih & tengok...kita xbrani nak komen ler yg clon tuh sbb xde yg tuh..jd xbleh nak ckp..yang ade nih kita layankan...

Tp mmg enjoy that much sebelum kita pi buat outdoor xtvt kita layankan gph3+ nih utk selfie gitu...hahahaaa

Nak tgok "raw" pict dr gph3+ nih? Nah nih contohnya...mmg xde editing langsung...

So worth the money kan...layan kan je laaa....;p

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, April 4, 2014

10th years & still counting...

Alhamdulillah….tthrough hard, thin, easy & mcm2 lah….but i believed the key is understanding, care & trust!

No big celebration…just a staycation for Us berdua semalaman di Cyberview Lodge. Jauh sket dr KL yang haruk pikuk…so we can have our sweet time gitu berdua-duaan…sesambil merelax kan diri dari kesibukan harian...hehehee ;p

we start with spa-ing, massage-ing, relaxing…Oh heaven!

thanks to Pn.W (reservation) who make this deco for us! Ohsem & sweet touch! ;p hati berbunga bunga masuk bilik atas katil ade gini…jeng..jeng jeng...

then we do candle light dinner…auwwwwww

then selamat ler we continue with chit chatting, gossiping, & borak2 kosong like we always do in our normal daily routine….hehehee

then pepagi sesudah suboh kita balik umah amik the kids & join us for the relaxing…sempat mandi pool sat before check-out…;) seronok ler diorang as we ols happy for having them in our marriage & life..Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah,,,

Thank you so much for the warm wishes & doa thru fb, tweeter, sms, social media..May Allah blessed u ols..;)