i'll be away from my official PC and of-coz le from office ku yg terchenta kan! ekekek
so my frens...u know how to catch me kan..hehehe
Ok then, c u again...chiowwwww!
it's all about me, my life, my kiddos, & anything to share & talk about!
pict sgt blurr n gelaps sbb guna phone je..;p
mmg minggu ini sgt le memenats kan..;p
ps ; sorry le gambo x clear sbb guna fon aje kan...ekekke
game strt around 9.30 camtuh..tp haruslah pepagi lg dah kuar kan...sbb nak drive smpai ke putrajaya jerk dah olmost 45 mins...so main 1st blok team utk 3 game aje..heheh mmg le x smpat pns kan..
alhamdulillah...team sbnrnya x sure dpt no brp..sbbnya abis je game trus balik..ye lah my elda not feeling well actually..duk muntah2 + fever...;( as for me still in the rank..ekekke this yr tetiba plak ade individu nyer prize..hehehe kalo x previous yr hadiah utk team aje..;p
so balik dah kepenatan le kan..tp utk tidak mghampakan my kiddos yg dah lama x jmpa opah & atuk..so kitorng gi le umah my parents...
of coz le my girl's yg posing kan...hehehe nih kat dpn entrance cerana rest
actually xplan pun nak mkn kat sini..tot mmg xde celebration apapun kan...tp tetiba jerk DH kata jomlah kita dine out mlm nih celebrate mum's day..erkkk me cam terkezutt le jgk kan...so us bring my parents too!
tom yam seafood & fav butter prawn
harusle mknan ala-ala seafood kan..sbb my parents x pandai mkn western nih...hehehe tp mmg enjoy le mkn..sedap pun bole thn (but cannot bit muhibbah le kan!) ...
and yang penting i'm feeling happy!
hehehe the kiddos yg jd model cilik sporting sehh bila di suruh berposing di pintu merah....hehehe cute kan?!
yang nih pun cute kan...sib baik masa nih mood posing terlebehhh sudahh! hehehe mmg cute diorg nih!
pss : matilah puji anak sendiri kan! ;p
and harus le yg ladies pun xmoh ketinggalan kan...hahaha
jln-jln smbil posing2 le kat tempat2 menarik kan..nih harus le kan!
ps : mamarazzi jarang dpt ditemui didlm gambo sbb sibuk mengambil gambo..ekekek xpe wakil dah ade kan..;p
nih dpn kaunter menara taming sari.. then kene duduk dulu while waiting the next cabin utk kitorang naik plak...
sambil tuh smpat le jgk we ols sefamily bergambo kan masa Q kan..
nih le 'menara taming sari' so dr sini boleh nmpak view MELAKA...it cost RM10 utk seorng pemegang MYKAD okeh..kalo x RM20 per adult..;) and dier akan naik sampai atas tuh then akan pusing about 7 mins dlm 2/3 kali pusing le utk tgk semua keliling melaka...