Skali otw nak fren shikin kata die pun otw sbb baca my tweets nak bwk kids to the class...die pun pantasss call booking....yeayyyyy lg happy ler diorg nih sbb dpt tau ade kwn lg kan...

Here we go...a group of lil chef diva...mine 2 girls...& shikin pun with 3 girls...

Their ready for start...oklah not to crowd..yg penting kids enjoying themselve...mmg this session ramai girls...but last few dys i heard ramai lynlah main uli2 tepung bagai...

Pose wajib sblm strt...hikhikkk pastu suh snd to hubs ler...happy memasing dpt pi!

Tuh 3A's...diorg pun enjoy kan kin? It takes about 2hrs lah class nih...snd them strt 2pm until 4++...per pax only rm35 including the "picky meal voucher"...oklah lah kan..not too expensive...

Bigsis in action...golek jgn x golek...

Lilsis pun sama...hikhikk menguli kemain lg x pandang dah kiri kanan toleh org...kusyuk laaa sbb kat umah mana nak dpt nguli gini kan....hahahaa

So while diorg mula menguli doh etc...mak2 pun amik kesempatan japs lah chitchating kat tempat lain....hihiii xcuci mata pun sbb mmg asalnya just to snd kids kan...but happy lah sbb co-insiden bleh gak jmpa geng...

Btw mmg ler kitorg xbrjanjian pun..i just call 4 booking then shikin make a call 2...then we met at the place..unplanned always the best for us kan! Thanx for ur time ciks...lama gak kita x jmpa sorry lah sbb less talk dek krana gg yg sakit...ok then we sattled lepaking we off to fetch the kids...

And taraaaaaaa.......chicken callzone recipe siappp!! Mmg suke hati tgk sbbnya ade yg kecik beso gebuss cam lempeng pun ade...but then the taste mmg yummiehhhhh!
Close up sket hasil my girls....nih bwh nih lilsis punya...

Nih plak bigsis punya...mmg bertuah punya anak xsmpat nak merasa pun..sbb die dah bedal sndiri...hahahaa sedap katanya..

Last but lease lah kan...memasing dpt cert...siapler tulis "masterchef"...suke lah sbb mmg tgh in skang nih kan sana sini masterchef...

Overall kids had so much fun....btw not only cooking je..ade selingan buat colouring gak balik memasing bwk color,hasil lukisan,cert & jgk recipe...hikhikkk pastu siaplah bunyi..."lepas nih kita buat kat umah plak k....senang jerk" gurlp...ok mak tgk je lah anak buat.....hahahaha
Finally they finished "Top Hat Yong Chef Workshop!" for the day! yeayyyyy
So siapa2 yg rasa nak pi bwk kids tuh...nih tgk advert kat bwh nih & call them for booking...

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