So this will be my 1st trip solo after 3yrs deliver my baby boy! Thank hubster for aproval😜

So here we sabah kita bah!

1st choice & priority goes to MAS lah kan...wpun ade collegue yg naik heard from them experience mmg lain2 laa...

Alhamdulillah flight was smooth takes 2hrs 30min...sempat layan movie dlm flight & xsempat tido langsung wpun mlm sblm tido lambat! 😜

Will stay in Marina until 4hb insyaaAllah with my partner in crime a.k.a Caretaker a.k.a bff a.k.a twin sister a.k.a makhluk perosak yg giler!😜😜
Will enjoy our time in KK insyaaAllah..wait for the big event update yea...bye!
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