Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lyssa's Pre-School searching..

Ok..1st of all thanks to my dear frens yg byk membantu dgn byk info2 yg terpakai...i've done the survey jgk dgn neighbour2 dekat our area...olso got the info and feedback from online cari forum...so we done the school visit last sat..so that i xle riso sgt psl her safety......saja nak check the environment + let my lyssa feel free & comfortable with it...+ the introduction session with the principal's...
so here the list of choices pre-school dkt our area...

1) Qdees
* very nice + cool place
* near from house..but still kene get the transport la..kalo jln berfeluhhhh nak naik bukit..
* class hour : 8 - 12 a.m ( official strt at 8.30 a.m...the 1st 30 mins for recap homework..gud huh?)
* fees bleh thn jgk...;) kene reschedule all monthly expenses..

2) Krista
* for me the place its so so laa....(mybe tempat lain ok kut?)
* dekat lg dr umah..
* class hour : 9 - 12 am
* the total fees is more more cheaper (-1.5K) dr Qdees..

3) Montessori
* it's good actually...frankly i prefer this one..;)
* but then jauh dr umah which is paling dekat located at KD..
* class hour : 9 - 12 a.m
* fees mmg le expensive sket compare yg lain..+ transport charge pun 2x ganda..

lupa ade lg satu nih...

4) Smart Reader
* which is sume pun tau surely the best among the rest kan..
* the location is at bagunan kedai 3 tingkat (bayu area) ..dekat jgk dgn rumah
* surrounding tuh penuh dgn pekerja asing *gurlp
* baru bukak early this yr...so wonder lah performance mcmana kan...xmoh le bayo ribu riban tp x nmpak hasil kan! ;)

So, from my judgement & mmg fussy sket bout this...hehee and i've discussed it with my better half and we listed down the pros n cons, ..Insyaallah to enroll her @ Qdees...since my lyssa pun requested for that one....as a parents harus le nak pilih yg terbaik kan...berdebar2 gak whether we make the right choice or not...maklumla fee nyer bknnye murah...altogether the fees around 4K kan...the cost cover all additional books, registration,monthly etc...

Hopefully this is the best for her...+ i feel good bout this Qdees since i heard the GOOD feedback from others... ;p doa-doa la semoga we make the right choice for our daughter...;p

Insyaallah the class will strt next JAN'10....but now dah kene register...;p and sh'es sOooo excited! ..


  1. Good choice... Q-Dees pun ok gak.
    Nini pernah attend Trial Class kat Q-Dees.. but dia tak berkenan.

    Opss... Ada award utk u tau... sila pergi amik....

  2. wahhhh 4 k ...mak fengsan .....mak bangun balik sambung baca ...aduiiii mahalnya education skrg nih kan adeh ...cam nak masuk universiti dah .....adehhhhh mak sambung fengsan

  3. skrg dah 4k yeeeee?? tataule melaka brape fees dia.. anak aku nanti mmg nak masuk Qdees sbb tu aje yg best kt melaka ni.. :(

    lagi 3 4 tahun nanti entah2 dah 5 6k fees dia.. adusshh.. pitam

  4. lynn : hah tuh le skang nih yg ade Qdees nih le..nak anto tadika biasa tuh lyssa sgt demanding okeh!

    Moon : jgn kata moon pengsan..akma yg memula nih pun pitam jgk tau!..tuh kira total for 1 yr lah..reg dlm 1++K then monthly around 300..sem fees lg dlm 500x 4 sem..mmg skang nih education sgt mahal tau...tmbah skali ganda lg bleh abis akma nyer MLIS! huhhh

    Marsha : moralnya skang nih ko dah kene mula spend utk ank ko tau! sbb 3/4 thn lg aku x tau le brp dah kan...;p

  5. Aku pun tgh nk survey-survey jugak skol balqis.Tp nowsday fees skol semuanya mahal2 kan.Takpe akma asalkan yg terbaik tuk lyssa.
