Wednesday, April 14, 2010

water purifier?

tot dah lama dah nak psg water purifier, since pindah ke new homie asik le bertangguh...tup2 dah almost 6 month dah pindah kan....pastu lately nih we noticed yg kiddos asik le sakit2...mmg le ujian tp musti ade something goes around yg kene perbaik ye kan!...esp on mkn minum la....
so after adviced frm Paed jgk we better do here i wanna share with u guys with water test done by yours truly (but ofcoz le ade org ajarkan ye dakk!)
memula amek dulu air dr paip, air minum yg sudah dimasak & air after filter using the RO method...
ke-3 gelas tunjuk color yg lebih kurang ye dak...mmg rasa cam nothing will kita test guna alat nih
namanya TDS untuk menguji ketumpatan kandungan 'polution' dlmnya...& formulanya adlh hasil yg tertera harus di 'x10' kita test 1 per 1

dr air paip sahaja it show = 0.06 *10 (0.6)

dr air yg dimasak it show = 0.07 *10 (0.7) fuhhhhh! lagi tinggi!

then on 'RO' water it show = 0.00 (believed it?)
ye sy pun jenis skeptikal maka telah merendamkan alat tuh berkali2 secara rambang nak tgk betul ke hasilnya tetap sama....
then uji ngn lg satu nih...yg nih mmg mkin 'gelii' ehhh bila tgk...wuekkkkk
mmg ternyata nmpak sgt beza...

then tuko plak ngn glass lain..sbb nnti ingat yg other part x function plak mmg le hasilnya...OMG! i believed laa slama duk umah baru nih mmg kami hirup/mkn ngn ayaq yg camnih rupa....nak plak skang nih mmg le pencemaran air sgt tinggi magine laa...

kiddos pun tgk sendiri while im doing the test...mmg diorg pun terang2 x moh dah minum ayaq 'lama' tuh...ekekkeke

So after done all the bacaan & tested, finally we decided to use this product at home as a solution.
"Bio Pure Ken 2" as an advanced 5-stage Reverse Osmosis (R.O.) Purification System to remove virtually all types of contaminants, including bacteria and viruses, to produce perfectly pure drinking water (H2O) at 2 temperatures (hot and warm water).
So terpulanglah kan pd masing2 utk buat pilihan...i just shared my 2 cents thought!
Kalo rasa nak test air RO nih ke u're welcome to my homie...hehee & pls call/msg me if u need my help..Now their having a great deal! so dont miss it!


  1. mmg perasan pun. kalau air dalam baldi dalam bilik mandi tu, tak sampai 3 hari dah berkeladak. asyik la nak kena cuci baldi. kitorang ingat nak pasang filter yang besar yang pasang kat meter depan umah tu. tapi tak kesampaian lagi.

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